Sunday, December 28, 2008

More partying

Unfortunately, I was up pretty early this morning. About 6:45 or so. But since I was awake, we got on up and stirred around. A bit. Robert made Indian Red tea and cinnamon bagels for breakfast, since he Must Not Partake of My Food.

We laid around in the living room. Since I hadn't seen the Lawrence Welk Christmas Special, which I watch every year, we put it in and watched part of that. We watched the manic appearance kd lang made on the PeeWee Christmas Special, which is pretty fricking funny. It was fairly early in her career, and apparently they told her since she couldn't dance, she should just be perky. So they put her in light blue cowgirl drag, and she jerked all over the place like a marionette being puppeted by someone with epilepsy. As much as I hate to see a dignified butch subjected to such disrespect, it is pretty damn funny. Since he hadn't seen Drop Dead Gorgeous, we put that in and watched it. I just wasn't up for doing much.

After that, we did scamper out to get some lunch. I finally went to the Sunday brunch at Gourmet Pizza on Augusta Road, and it was really good. The pizza and pasta were great, but they also did a killer macaroni pie. I was impressed. After we ate til we couldn't move, we came home and I collapsed and took a nap while Robert wended his merry way homeward - leaving the whole bag of red tea and the wolf tea pot he got as a gift from the dirty Santa at the bear party in his wake. Yeah, I was pretty hot about that. I called him, but he just laughed and said I could take it to the party next year. I was pretty hot about that too. He's on his way to Charleston to see some guy.

I laid around for a while, and really intended to have a recovery day - all the partying is really catching up with me. But Russ and Billy called and said they were having a game night with David and Brian, and invited me over. David said I could come as long as I brought the remains of the cheese ball with me. I had intended to melt the leftover cheese ball into a pot of soup as usual, but a) I can't resist someone who loves my cooking; and b) I asked myself - do I really need yet more cheese in my diet? Plus I love game night.

So washed the platter, re-molded the cheese ball, and hied myself hence.

We had a really nice evening. We went out for Mexican, then played Farkle, a new dice game Russ and Billy have that is a lot of fun. We also played Taboo, one of my very favorites. I got to call for both teams since we were uneven numbers, but that is my favorite part. So it was another late night, but I had a really good time.

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