Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A post in which it is a slow news day*

My morning buddy came by to see me this morning, which made for a nice start to the day.

I found out at work that my boss will be in Canada for the rest of the week, so I get a little vacation. Nice enough, since my neck had rigor mortis with stress all day today.

Those Golden Delicious apples I got yesterday didn’t look like much, but they have a really good flavor. They’re really sweet, with like a vanilla/banana undertone to them. I spend so much time hunting for Mutsus, Ginger Golds, and Winesaps that I sometimes forget about good ole Golden Delicious. I’m thinking I’m just going to use those for the dessert for the camp out. Most people wouldn’t know the difference anyway, it will be easy to find good ones, and they’ll still be loads better than those vile Red Delicious apples (which I found have no genetic relationship to the Golden Delicious. That was a marketing ploy by Stark Nurseries, which bought all rights to the cultivar in 1914 and re-named it. The original tree was a volunteer hybrid found in West Virginia in about 1891). I'd just about as soon eat a tennis ball as a Red Delicious, an oxymoronic name if ever I heard one. I don't know what they're good for, except looking pretty and being able to be shipped a million miles away, which was the reason for the development of the cultivar. I guess you could use them for target practice. Or for practicing your chip shot. If you had an old set of clubs.

There’s still nothing on TV. They have taken off the Family Guy marathon on Tuesday nights, dammit. I really felt like vegging tonight too. I am embarrassed to admit that I ended up watching America’s Funniest Home Videos. I know. I could feel my IQ dropping. Well I was on the computer, and did some laundry too, so it wasn’t quite as bad as it could have been.

But I need to get my ass to the library.

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