Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A post in which I have an impromptu visit with Miss Kat and dana

I was a very good boy at work today. I completed my account reconciliations and completed all my write-offs. They are in with my boss to be approved.

Ms Shay emailed today. She totaled her car, just after paying it off apparently. I called Dad to see if he could find her one.

I got good new from the roof man today. I don't need a new roof just yet. He thinks with a bit of patch work, my roof can last another 3-4 years. The patches cost about $300, as opposed to $3800 for a new roof. Hopefully by the time I need a new roof, I'll be able to pay for it.

I went back in the gym today for the first time in two months. It was about damn time. My mind was making excuses and giving me reasons why I didn’t have to go today all the way up. But I went anyway. It was hard getting back on the machine, but I made it through.

I did feel pretty good afterwards (admittedly, perhaps, just because it was over). I ran by the grocery store and headed on home to make a big salad for dinner, along with a couple of pieces of leftover frozen pizza. I had just noticed that the Family Guy marathon tonight had been cancelled (for some The Office marathon/season opener, dammit) when the phone rang. It was Miss Kat, asking if I would like to come over and get my birthday present. Well of course I would.

I spent the evening visiting with them and their puppies. It was much nicer than my usual Tuesday night. Plus they got me a Fresh Market gift card – EXCELLENT! I can hear that gourmet cheese counter calling my name already!

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