Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A post in which I work on my birthday in the cause of later rewards

I finished up all the loose ends today at work. They actually had three cakes today. A Heavenly Death Cake that Nancy made because she knows it's my favorite, and Jeannette had made a lemon and a chocolate cake. Let's hear it for insomnia. I actually said "screw it" today and ate a piece of the HD, and a piece of lemon. I was hungry and hey, its my birthday right? I'll probably wish I hadn't done that when I get to Atlanta. They gave me a card. My cookies came in from the agency. They always send me delicious cookies for my birthday.

After work I headed home to clean up the house a bit before mother got there. She ran late, which was fine. I had time to put the place in fairly presentable shape and get most of the packing done, but she didn’t get there in time for dinner. Eve had tried to send home the leftovers with me last night. I wished I had taken them tonight. Frozen eggrolls were not what I had in mind for my birthday. But I’m not 5. I know Mom will take me out for a real birthday dinner tomorrow night. I just turned on Steel Magnolias and listened to that while I worked.

I actually had time to relax with a smoke on the porch before mom got there (through strategic cleaning omissions). I don’t usually smoke around Mom because she doesn’t like for me to, so I had resigned myself to leaving the smokes at home.

We got all her stuff in and visited a while before bed. Tomorrow it’s off to Atlanta!

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