Sunday, September 20, 2009

A post in which it is a rainy Sunday

I woke up to ugly weather this morning. That was one of the reasons we planned to go to Duncan today. All the other flea markets pretty much shut down when it rains, but Barnyard just goes like gangbusters. Russ didn’t want me at his place early – he wanted to sleep in. So I got up, tended to business, and went for some breakfast. I was able to go back to sleep for a bit, which was rare and appreciated. When I woke back up though, it was pouring. I texted Russ, but got no response. So I called to make sure we were still going, and that Russ didn’t have a migraine. He gets them when the weather changes. But I was told the trip was still a go.

Billy went with us today, which is unusual. We did the usual Starbucks run, and headed up the road eventually. Starbucks was a madhouse this morning. I saw a servicewoman in line in uniform, and wanted to buy her coffee, but I was too shy. I figured she would think I was trying to pick her up or something, so I didn’t say anything.

Barnyard was jumping. Apparently all the flea market people go there when it rains, I suppose since the whole thing is covered. We saw a lot of stuff, but no glass to speak of. I did get some Ginger Gold apples though. They only have about a two-week season when you can find them, and I love them. They had some Winesaps too, but I didn’t feel like going home and putting up apple butter today. I’ll need to get some while I still can though. Russ wanted some honey soap, which was the reason we went up in the first place, but the guy that sells it wasn't there today.

After the flea market, we headed back towards Greenville and went to Ni Hao for lunch. There is a very large buffet now on Woodruff where the Ryan’s used to be (I was shocked that Ryan’s closed – especially in that location), but Russ and Billy had eaten there and weren’t impressed. We had a good lunch and did a bit of shopping Billy wanted to do.

By this point I needed a nap in the worst way. I was just feeling drug out. So I left Russ and Billy’s, collapsed in the bed, and slept for two hours. When I got up I went onto Manhunt and got stood up. I had told Russ and Billy to call me if they put together a game night, but apparently they didn’t. Had I known all that I would have bought those Winesaps today.

I basically just vegged in front of the telly tonight and played games on the laptop. I just made a salad for dinner since I had eaten such a heavy lunch.

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