Friday, September 18, 2009

A post in which I visit with Miss Kat and dana

I finally finished David Copperfield today. It had a very satisfying conclusion and I’m glad I read it. It takes a bit for me to get into Dickens’ books, but he really does draw excellent and vivid characters that you come to know and care about. They feel like real people.

The big boss was gone today, and the attorney was in a depositon for most of the day. I didn't get taken to lunch, but the secretarial duties were at a minimum. I had some peace today.

When I got off work today, there was some kind of traffic problem going on. Since the roads around the office are handling about five times the traffic they were designed to handle, it doesn’t take much to lock down the entire area. Plus I had thawed out a diet homemade lunch to take today and I was ravenous. Either I’m entering another 'nacho phase' or those seafood nachos didn’t cut it yesterday, because that’s all I could think about. I wanted nachos with real cheese on them though, not just that gringo cheese sauce stuff they make for us in a lot of the places (yes I know that nachos aren’t really Mexican food). I ducked into a place called Sabroso Mexican Grille, mainly because I happened to be in front of it when the traffic stopped, plus I found the motto interesting – something about being world famous. It sounded like a challenge to me. I’m glad I stopped! Those were the best nachos I’ve had in eons; plus they had real cheese on them. They were huge! They were so big I believe they hit my table with a bus boy still caught in orbit around them. But I ate every bite. My waiter was really hot too. I will be back.

Afterwards I really wanted to go on home, but I had to pick up a birthday present for Ava. I had decided to get her a sock monkey since she didn’t have one. I wanted to go downtown this week to the toy store there. I try to support small businesses. But their hours are odd and I hadn’t called them to see when they closed. Plus I was full of a half-ton of nachos. So I just stopped in at Cracker Barrel and got one there. I had seen them in there when Mom and I were on our way back from Atlanta. Plus CB was close by and on the way home. I stopped in to CVS to pick up a birthday card. I wanted a musical one, because my parents got her one for Valentine’s Day and she loved it. Oddly enough they don’t make musical cards for kids, which makes absolutely no sense to me. But I found a regular card that will work – she’s two, so she could care less what it actually says.

I got home, and thought that I should really wrap the gift, but a) I hate wrapping gifts; b) I was full o nachos; and c) I decided that since I would be spending most of the day tomorrow in the car with Dick and Eve, I should wring some fun out of this weekend. I called Miss Kat and dana and invited myself over. I haven’t seen them in a couple of weeks and I miss them.

I ended up going over there and spending the evening visiting. We talked for a while, and then they turned on The Mist. Well not what I would have watched, but it was interesting. I had read the short story on which it was based. It was pretty gruesome and horrifying. We didn’t make it through, since Miss Kat wanted to go on to bed, but actually that was just fine with me. I headed on home. Tomorrow starts early.

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