Monday, April 11, 2011

A post in which I feel kinda crappy*

I woke up this morning exhausted and not feeling well. It's the height of allergy season, and I was outside too much the last couple of days. I really over-did it this weekend, and because I played so much there was a lot of stuff I needed to do, not to mention I was sleep-deprived from all the night hours and early mornings.

Eventually I got it together a bit and put some laundry in. I got my valances up in the living room to finish it (finally). I cooked the squash I bought yesterday for lunches, hauled all over town, and then didn't have time to cook. I took a nap. I even had a buddy in.

By the end of the day I was back together enough to feel like I could start the week. Oy. Yeah, now the work starts. I have got to slow down.

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