Thursday, March 17, 2011

A post in which I try to go to choir practice

I tried to go join the men's chorus today, but it just didn't seem to be meant. I rushed home after work, whipped up a quick supper, and off I went. I smelled like a big ole fried tater, but I figured that was an aphrodisiac for bears anyway. The rehearsal was on Pelham Road, where I have been working for about 15 years now, but I'd never heard of the place, so just to be careful, I had my GPS. I also called my friend D'relda, who's already been going.

There was no email today. I called to check in with D'relda on whether or not there was practice today. He informed me that a) he didn't know; and b) he has quit. One of the big attractive things about this was that I would be able to hang out with D'relda, so I was disappointed. But off I went anyway. I'm usually only truly happy when I'm singing somewhere.

The GPS took me unerringly to a vacant lot. After turning around twice and looking, I still hadn't found the place. I was frustrated. I called Russ to see what he was up to, since I was tired of looking and didn't know if there was practice tonight anyway. He was free, so I headed over there.

Of course as soon as I started over I found the place. I turned into the parking lot because there were a lot of people milling about, but they didn't look like gay choral singers to me. The weren't. I asked if there was practice going on, but the girl I asked didn't know anything about it. Thoroughly frustrated at this point, I just left.

I went to Russ and Billy's and spent the evening with them. Russ was re-stuffing cushions for the deck, so I helped do that. Then we just reclined on the fabulous new deck and visited for a bit. It was a little nipply though, and I had worn shorts because it was so pretty and I just couldn't wait any more. We watched a program about extreme cocktails with Billy, and then I went home and went to bed.

The only thing wrong with this evening was that it wasn't Friday!

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