Sunday, January 2, 2011

A post in which it is time for a trip to Spartanburg

I woke up today bummed. Small of me with a whole nother day off tomorrow, but true. I am really bummed about going back to work. I know it's going to be chaos, and I dread it. Telling myself that at least it's a short week ain't a-workin'.

I did manage to start working on taking the tree down. We had just thrown all the storage stuff in
the attic when we were done putting it up, and I was afraid it was going tobe bad packing them back up, but it turned out not to be nearly as bad as I had feared, and I got all the ornaments off today. That's most of the work.

To reward myself, I stopped, rested for a bit, and cheered myself up looking forward to going to Jeff and James's house tonight. We have the suppers regularly, but I always have to have one eye on the clock. It used to be just me that worked on Mondays, but now that Jeff and James apparently work all the time, they have to get up too. I just don't think they have to be up as early.

At any rate, I was looking forward to staying out as long as I wanted to tonight. The only fly in the ointment was that Russ and Billy couldn't go.

I did get to see their new furniture. They've had it since before Christmas, but what with one thing and another we haven't been to the house since. The new sofa is gorgeous. Buttery burgundy leather, comfortable seating for four, and it's stitched in white like a Coach bag. Gorgeous. It actually looks as if it could stand up to the dogs. For a while anyway.

We went out for sushi. They have found a good sushi place that is open on Sunday. In Spartanburg. Amazing. And scarce as hen's teeth. After a lovely meal we went back to their place and vegged in front of the tube, Amanda curled up adorably beside me. When you're that little, everything you do is cute.

I stayed until very late.

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