Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A post in which I scare dana

Cabin fever set in today. I have watched about as much daytime TV I can stand. But the sun was out, and I had high hopes for thawing. There was a Living Single marathon on, and I somewhat reluctantly tuned in to watch.

There wasn't a lot of food in the house. I've been living mostly on broccoli soup. I was thrilled to hear that dana was out and about, and headed my way. I wanted company, and I can think of few people I would enjoy seeing as much.

She showed up and started shoveling my driveway! I suspect that she needed to get out as well - being snowed in with Miss Helen wouldn't exactly be a vacation for her. Plus dana needs to be doing stuff. She doesn't sit still that often. She was soon distracted though, as some dogs down the street started fighting. They were tied to a tree together so neither of them could get away. She waited for a few minutes, but the owner didn't come out of the house to do anything about it. dana has a soft spot for animals, and she was HOT! She went down the block, broke up the dogs, and told the owner off. She was still agitated when she came in my house for a visit.

We sat back to spend a little time together. Unfortunately, I've been having problems with Epstein-Barr, and hadn't been eating properly. With the other stuff going on, I basically passed out on the sofa. I was only out for a minute or two, but dana was terrified. I came to with her slapping my face and calling my name. It was rather surreal.

She went out and got me a late lunch, a good ole fish sandwich with plenty o fat and protein. I ate it, and she sat with me for a bit until I could reassure her that I was OK.

After she left, I took a long nap, and woke up and talked to Miss Kat. She was worried about me too. After reassuring her also, I ate some soup and went on to bed.

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