Friday, January 7, 2011

A post in which I apologize

I haven't skipped any days since I started this blog. I'm going to now. The last two days were a nightmare, and today wasn't much better. I"m sparing you a two-day whine-fest. Trust me.

I'll summarize:

- Canada got pissy because they scheduled a meeting to discuss their presentation for before I would have the information to complete it, and then were unhappy that I couldn't get it to them before the meeting.

- Little Boots chimed in and added yet another slide to the ones I now produce Every. Fucking. Week. As he stepped out of his office to dictate his instructions, I just turned around in my chair, elbow deep in papers. "Alan, PLEASE!" I said. He told me I didn't have to do it this week. What a prince.

- I spent two hours this afternoon trying to chase down numbers for Canada, trying to finish their stuff early, battling uphill against all corporate culture. Canadians apparently just do not hurry. Like ever, eh? I couldn't get anyone in that office to answer the phone. They got my voice mails, then emailed me that their stuff wasn't due yet, or that they would call me later. Eventually, I found out that the manager who had to approve the final data I needed was playing golf.

- I have not called any customers this week. It has been a wall-to-wall report slam from moment one. I haven't returned any of the phone messages that came in while I was out. I haven't been able to finish month end for the US either.

- To top it all off, the freakin' Epstein-Barr is definitely back. Not as bad as last year, but back, and dragging me down. Sigh.

I left the office in disgust and dismay.

The light at the end of the tunnel was that I got to go to Miss Kat and dana's tonight. I dragged my mutilated corpse in from the wars, so happy to be there I didn't know whether to cry or pee myself. Helen told me to cry, since they didn't want to clean up the pee.

Time at their house felt as if it saved my life, and may have actually saved my psyche. I perked up like a parched flower that's finally been watered. Thank God for my friends, who are so much better to me than I could ever deserve.

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