Sunday, January 9, 2011

A post in which it is time for the last of the parties

I got up this morning to a text from Russ about going to the flea market. Of course I wanted to go. I got to the house in time to see the last of the revelers who had stayed over last night trickled out. After some coffee, a nosh on some party left-overs, and a re-cap of what happened last night after I left, we hit the road.

Marshall, John, and Aaron had come for the party and the weekend. We did the flea market and then went to breakfast at IHOP. I'm not supposed to eat there right now because the animal-rights people are on the outs with them. IHOP is the only major breakfast chain to refuse to use any percentage of humanely grown eggs - none at all. But I wasn't going to challenge the group agreement, so I went.

The new Trader Joe's opened a month or so ago, and John, as a cook, was keen to visit, so that was next on the list. They do have amazingly beautiful produce at very good prices. I hadn't been able to get in there for a good rummage becuause of all the people that always seem to be wandering around. I guess they buy stuff, but they usually just look like zombies. Some of the frozen things looked interesting, but since I wasn't going straight home I didn't get any of that. I did pick up some beautiful huge red pears for lunch next week and some fingerling potatoes.

When we got back to the house I was pretty wiped, but there was still the party tonight. I left them all vegged on the sofa, packed up a cooler of left-over Jello shooters from last night, and headed out. It was pretty cold. When I got to the house I just left them in the car.

I tried to lie down for a bit, but it wasn't like I could sleep in a hurry. After a bit, I gave up, got up, and cleaned up. The party had started about 3pm and it was about 5. I got there about 6. I was dragging. I really wished I hadn't RSVP'd. Of course etiquette forbids cancelling an accepted invitation except in the case of a sudden death or illness. I soldiered on. I knew I would have a good time once I got there.

Tonight was Danl'l and Jim's party. They have a drop-in every year, and it's always nice. They have moved it to January now because of the crush of parties, and it's a nice way to see folks I know and wind down the season. It was laid back and nice. Taking in the Jello shooters helped make up for being late. I missed Donnie, Kimbley, and Laura, but Karen and Billy were there. It was good to see them, as always. Although it got colder, I had dressed in layers. I ended up camped out on the porch with Nicole, Karen, and a cute guy named John. He gave me his number too. It was a very nice time, and Iwas glad I went. It wasn't a late night. First, it was Sunday night, and secondly there are rumors of snow moving in. I'm skeptical, but then I usually kind of pooh-pooh the snow madness that seems to infect anyone here at the least possibility. Still, it was a really nice evening, and I had a good time. I was glad I went.

I took the day off tomorrow anyway.

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