Monday, January 3, 2011

A post in which it is the last day of vacation :(

It's the last day. I actually felt better today than yesterday attitude-wise, go figure.

I got to work early and industriously and productively, doing chores to make the next four days easier. I changed sheets and stuff like that. I got the tree down, and got it and all the ornaments up in the attic! As much as I have enjoyed it, and I have, I am never sorry to see the last of it. To celebrate, I treated myself to an indulgent fast-food lunch. I almost never do that. I was just kind of where I had almost everything done that needed doing when the phone rang.

It was dana, inviting me over to visit. There was no way I was gonna say no to that. I got cleaned up and headed over to see what was up.

As it turned out, nothing. We talked about doing stuff, but no one really felt like it. We ended up just hanging out, vegging in front of the tube, and enjoying each other. I charged my happiness battery for the days ahead. I have a feeling I'm going to need it. It was actually the perfect way to spend the last of my vacation. If I'd stayed at home, I would have felt like I should keep doing stuff.

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